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The internet speed test will download a small dummy file and time how long the download takes. The number of megabits in the file divided by the number of seconds it takes to download give you the megabits per second (Mbps) speed of your internet connection. To test upload speeds, the speed test follows the same process but in reverse. Speed Test: Test the Speed of Your Internet Connection Internet Speed Test. In the past 30 days over people have used speed tests to see their download speeds, upload speeds, and ping.Press "Start Test" below to get started testing your connection. Why is upload speed Slow? | KnowsWhy.com

To test upload speeds, the speed test follows the same process but in reverse. Should I worry about the dummy file? The dummy file used in the speed test is harmless, but sometimes security software won’t recognize the file type and flag it as questionable. This will interfere with the test. If your security software interrupts your speed

Tap "Upload Test" Tap "Start Upload Speed Test" It will take some time for the testmy.net to send some fake data and measure how long it takes to send it. You should get your results. It will say something like- "Up :: 5.3 Mbps" Anything under 1 Mbps is very slow and will cause issues uploading data. Anything under 4 Mbps may cause issues. 5 Reasons Your WiFi Speed Test Results May Be Wrong Mar 18, 2019

While we discuss the importance of uploading rate and we ask ourselves questions like – why my upload speed is so slow, you should look into the reasons for the slowness. Knowing the exact reason of slowness, you can fix your Internet uploading rate at ease.

Why is upload speed Slow? | KnowsWhy.com