Speedtest.net is an internet speed test website that provides you with the statistics of your Internet connection. It is owned by Ookla, founded in 2006 and is currently headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

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We all know how frustrating a slow internet connection can be. With CenturyLink’s free internet speed test, you can see how fast your upload and download speeds are, as well as more detailed statistics like jitter and ping to help you diagnose why your WiFi isn’t performing like it should. Speedtest.net is an internet speed test website that provides you with the statistics of your Internet connection. It is owned by Ookla, founded in 2006 and is currently headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Speedtest.net client. Usage. The whole speed test runs automatically, but a lot of events are available to get more info than you need. 0 Mbps Upload speed. 0 ms Ping. Do a Speed Test Now

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SpeedTest.cn - 测速网 - 在线网速测试,网络测速,网 … 测速网(SpeedTest.cn)为您提供免费在线网速测试,专业5G测速,宽带提速,网络加速,Ping测试,路由测试等优质服务,拥有国内外数千高性能测速点,全面覆盖电信、移动、联通、网通、广电、长城宽带、鹏博士等运营商,欢迎您的使用 Speed Test – Internet Speed Test – Fast Broadband SpeedTest An overview of SpeedTest.Net. The mastermind behind the speedtest.net platform is Ookla. The company has an incredible reputation in the field of internet speed test. Till date, Ookla has run more than 20 billion internet speed tests. It exemplifies the trust people have in the company for getting the most accurate internet metrics. 购买 Speedtest.net - Microsoft Store zh-CN