ipv6-test.com only tests ICMP echo-request, which is probably the least important ICMP message. You can have broken path MTU discovery and get full marks from ipv6-test.com. They're really keen on allowing unsolicited incoming traffic over there. Use test-ipv6.com and look for "Test IPv6 large packet". That will tell you ICMP packet-too-big

IPv6-test.com is a free service that checks your IPv6 and IPv4 connectivity and speed. Diagnose connection problems, discover which address (es) you are currently using to browse the Internet, and what is your browser's protocol of choice when both v6 and v4 are available. IPv4 connectivity IPv6 connectivity This will test your browser and connection for IPv6 readiness, as well as show you your current IPv4 and IPv6 address. Looks like your connection isn’t ready for IPv6. This may be due to problems with your home router, operating system, or ISP. JavaScript Required. This site requires JavaScript, as well as the ability to pull in cross-site scripts, in order to perform the testing. If this message does not go IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Test. This tools checks to see if your internet connection supports both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. The protocol with which you connected to our server is listed first. AAAA records and web IPv6 connectivity (ipv6-test.com) Check your IPv6 Path Maximum Transmission Unit. If a host sends IPv6 packets that are too big for part of its route, it should get a Packet Too Big message so it can re-transmit the data in smaller packets. If that message doesn't get back (e.g. firewalls, mis-configured routers) it can affect IPv6 connectivity. The main tool that illustrates server-side capabilities to reveal the user's identity. It has basic features such as showing Your IP Address and HTTP Headers, IP-based geolocation (GeoIP) determines your Country, State, City, ISP/ASN, Local Time. There's also TCP/IP OS Fingerprinting, WebRTC Leak Tests, DNS Leak Test, IPv6 Leak Test.

ipv6-test.com has been my go-to website for ensuring I've got good dual-stack connectivity. I have two separate networks, one running pfsense 2.3.4 and one running 2.4 beta. (I have 50+ Mbps down and 10+ Mbps up.) I have icmp echo-request enabled for ipv4

JavaScript Required. This site requires JavaScript, as well as the ability to pull in cross-site scripts, in order to perform the testing. If this message does not go

AAAA records and web IPv6 connectivity (ipv6-test.com) Check your IPv6 Path Maximum Transmission Unit. If a host sends IPv6 packets that are too big for part of its route, it should get a Packet Too Big message so it can re-transmit the data in smaller packets. If that message doesn't get back (e.g. firewalls, mis-configured routers) it can affect IPv6 connectivity.

At some point, when the percentage of "broken" users has gone significantly down, I'll consider making test-ipv6.com dual-stack. At last check, March 2017, we still see 0.2% broken visiting test-ipv6.com. Welcome to IPscan, the open source IPv6 port scanner, or firewall tester, which checks multiple, user-selectable TCP, UDP and ICMPv6 services. IPscan offers much of the functionality you might hope to find in an IPv6 version of GRC's ShieldsUP® utility. What is IP? Internet Protocol, aka IP, basically is the protocol by which data is sent from one device to another on the Internet. Each device connected to the Internet has one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers. IPs are essential to the infrastructure of the world wide web as without them computers would not be able to communicate between each other. What is IPv4 To ensure that your device receive an IPv6 address, you can manually check in the network settings menu available on most operating systems. Alternatively, you can go to Central app, and locate the device you are interested in from the device list of your Bitdefender BOX. Open the device card, and With most routers, IPv6 can be managed via the Web interface. Dong Ngo/CNET Today is the day when IPv6 is permanently enabled by home-networking equipment manufacturers and Web companies around Use our free IPv6 validator test tool to validate your address formats. Your IPv6 check results will designate if it’s a valid and properly formatted IPv6 address. Thanks m8, I'll keep ASUS in mind for my next router purchase. Honestly, if the Netgear engineers are too dense to understand the extremely basic FACT that ICMP in IPv6 is a fundamental requirement of the protocol, I wonder what e