Mar 16, 2019 · 2. Create Desktop Shortcut in Mac. Chrome is a platform independent browser that works smoothly on Windows and macOS. However, there are certain differences like the Mac version does not have create desktop shortcut option till version 72. Google introduced this feature for Mac users in version 73.

Nov 26, 2012 · In this tutorial, we will create a shortcut of safari. Move to the Applications folder by first clicking on the "Go" menu and then choosing the "applications" option. Alternatively, you can simply Jul 12, 2019 · To execute the shortcut, open Finder, select the item(s) you want to create a shortcut for, and tap the keyboard shortcut. Drag & drop. If you prefer to use drag & drop to move files on macOS, you’ll be happy to know that you can also use drag & drop to create a file or app shortcut on macOS. Jan 27, 2020 · Shortcut folders help you categorize your Mac Dock shortcuts into categories. Work apps, for instance, could be placed in a single folder, while games could be separated into another. While Dock shortcut folders won’t hide running apps, they can give you easy access to launch any software you run often without cluttering the Dock or having to Have you ever needed, or just wanted, to make a shortcut icon on the the desktop in Mac OS X? Honestly it’s relatively trivial to do but the result isn’t always what people expect. My goal is to demonstrate how to create a web page shortcut that is easily identifiable. Jun 21, 2012 · Here's how to make an alias (shortcut) in Mac OS X: Open the Finder, and then navigate to the folder you want to create an alias of. Select the folder by clicking on it once. You'll know the folder is selected when it's highlighted, as shown below. From the File menu, select Make Alias, as shown below. The alias appears, as shown below.

Feb 13, 2020 · Going forward, you can just click on this Dock icon to kickstart the screen saver on your Mac. Create Screen Saver Shortcut Using Hot Corners. Making a screen saver using the Hot Corners feature is just as simple. For those unfamiliar, the Hot Corners allow you to start/stop a custom action just by moving the pointer to one of the corners of the Mac screen.

You will find below the steps to Create Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10. Create Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10. As mentioned above, using keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 allows you to quickly access Apps and Programs on your computer, without having to search for them on a crowded desktop or from a long list of Programs in the Startup menu.

Nov 18, 2016 · Depending on how often you access stuff in your Mac’s file system, you might benefit from having a quick shortcut to your Mac’s primary storage disk(s) on your desktop. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how you can enable the shortcut on your Mac’s desktop painlessly.

In order to create a new shortcut, click on the Plus (+)icon. In this step, you need to choose whether you want the Mac keyboard shortcut to apply to all of your applications or a specific one. In the Menu Titlefield, you need to enter the exact name of the menu command you want to add. Then move on to the Keyboard Shortcutfield. To make an alias, just right-click on the app, file, or folder that you want to have a shortcut. When the menu shows up, just click on the option to "Make Alias." A new file will show up that looks