Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model (iné názvy: model OSI/ISO, referenčný model OSI/ISO, sedemvrstvový model OSI/ISO) je abstraktný, na vrstvách založený opis návrhu štruktúry komunikačných a počítačových sieťových protokolov, vyvinutý ako súčasť iniciatívy Open Systems Interconnect

Open Systems Interconnection (zkratka OSI) je v informatice snaha o standardizaci komunikace v počítačových sítích (propojení otevřených systémů), kterou roku 1977 zahájila organizace ISO společně s ITU-T. OSI referentni model ili referentni model za otvoreno povezivanje sistema (engl. Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model ) je najkorišćeniji apstraktni opis arhitekture mreže. Opisuje interakciju uređaja (hardware-a), programa, servisa (software-a) i protokola pri mrežnim komunikacijama. OSI Systems, Inc. is an American company based in California that develops and markets security and inspection systems such as airport security X-ray machines and metal detectors, medical monitoring and anesthesia systems, and optoelectronic devices. 开放式系统互联模型(英語: Open System Interconnection Model ,縮寫:OSI;簡稱為OSI模型)是一種概念模型,由国际标准化组织提出,一个试图使各种计算机在世界范围内互连为网络的标准框架。定義於ISO/IEC 7498-1。

O Modelo OSI (acrônimo do inglês Open System Interconnection) é um modelo de rede de computador referência da ISO dividido em camadas de funções, criado em 1971 e formalizado em 1983, com objetivo de ser um padrão, para protocolos de comunicação entre os mais diversos sistemas em uma rede local (), garantindo a comunicação entre dois sistemas computacionais (end-to-end).

Osi (suba sa Republikang Demokratiko sa Congo, Orientale Province, lat 3,86, long 30,36) Osi (suba sa Republikang Demokratiko sa Congo, Orientale Province, lat 4,02, long 26,67) , 4°01′15″N 26°40′27″E  /  4.02073°N 26.67406°Ö  / 4.02073; 26.67406  ( Osi (suba sa Republikang Demokratiko sa Congo, Orientale Province, lat

The Osi or Osii were an ancient tribe dwelling beyond the Quadi, in a woody and mountainous country. But their national customs, as well as their language, were those of the Aravisci, who Tacitus called Pannonians. They were, moreover, tributary to the Quadi and Sarmatae.

OSI model - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) is a method of thinking of computer networking in terms of abstraction layers. Different communication protocols with similar functions are grouped into different logical layers on the OSI Model. Each layer of the OSI Model makes use of functions provided by the layers below it and provides functions that are used by the layers above it.