xx element in the diagonalized tensor and Y is the D yy element and Z is the D zz element Since the tensor is traceless, X + Y + Z = 0 • This dipolar ZFS Hamiltonian is then simply included in the total spin Hamiltonian, such that the total spin Hamiltonian is the sum of all the phenomenological components. For example, if there are no other

Traceless cartesian tensor forms for spherical harmonic The traceless cartesian tensor forms are used to treat problems in electrostatics of a dielectric medium requiring spherical harmonic expansions of the potential. These include the potentials arising from an arbitrary charge distribution in a spherical dielectric cavity, the reaction field gradients in the cavity, the response of a dielectric Cosmological Dynamics - E. Bertschinger We have introduced two 3-scalar fields (x, ) and (x, ), one 3-vector field w(x, ) = w i e i, and one symmetric, traceless second-rank 3-tensor field h(x, ) = h ij e i e j.No generality is lost by making h ij traceless since any trace part can be put into .The factors of 2 and signs have been chosen to simplify later expressions. EUDML | The trace decomposition problem.

This energy momentum tensor agrees with the symmetric and gauge{invariant electromagnetic energy{momentum tensor obtained by \improving" the canonical one. Note that it is traceless: g T = 0. Since a gas of photons is made up of electromagnetic eld, its energy-momentum tensor must be traceless too, which implies that w= 1=3, as stated above.

on the use of the traceless stress tensor (TST). It is shown that it naturally leads to the appearance of a modified viscosity given by C. =3/ tr.˝/ where is the shear-viscosity coefficient, the relaxation time and tr(˝) the trace of the extra stress tensor. This modified viscosity reaches high values near singular points, the troublesome

Since the tensor is symmetric, any contraction is the same so we only get constraints from one contraction. The result of the contraction is a tensor of rank r 2 so we get as many components to substract as there are components in a tensor of rank r 2. The total number of independent components in a totally symmetric traceless tensor is then d+

An interesting aspect of a traceless tensor is that it can be formed entirely from shear components. For example, a coordinate system transformation can be found to express the deviatoric stress tensor in the above example as shear stress exclusively. In the screenshot here, the above deviatoric stress tensor was input into the webpage, and Transverse, traceless, symmetric and not forget $(\square-m^2)$. In fact, it need not be symmetric, it can be any irreducible tensor of the Lorentz algebra (symmetric and traceless is just the simplest type of irreducible tensor). on the use of the traceless stress tensor (TST). It is shown that it naturally leads to the appearance of a modified viscosity given by C. =3/ tr.˝/ where is the shear-viscosity coefficient, the relaxation time and tr(˝) the trace of the extra stress tensor. This modified viscosity reaches high values near singular points, the troublesome The first term, the dot product of the two vectors, is clearly a scalar under rotation, the second term, which is an antisymmetric tensor has three independent components which are the vector components of the vector product U → × V →, and the third term is a symmetric traceless tensor, which has five independent components.