How To Create a Sudo User on Debian | Linuxize

Feb 14, 2020 How to Setup New Sudo User on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Servers Step 2: Adding User to Sudo Program. Now that the user account is created, use the commands below to add the user to the sudo program which will allow the user to install / remove packages and well as make some system-wide changes to the server / desktop. sudo usermod -aG sudo richard. Again, replace richard with the account name. How to Add a User to Sudoers on Debian $ apt-get install sudo Step 4: Testing the user with sudo. The final step is confirming if the new user has sudo privileges. Switch to the new user as shown # su - jack. Now, invoke the sudo command followed by any command. in this case, we will run the whoami command. $ sudo whoami.

How to Control sudo Access on Linux

How to Set Up and Manage Sudo Permissions | Liquid Web

Installing sudo. Debian. apt-get install sudo -y. CentOS. yum install sudo -y. FreeBSD. cd …

Aug 20, 2018 A beginner's guide to understanding sudo on Ubuntu