Access the Asus CFE recovery mode by issuing in browser field. Browse to select the DD-WRT trailed build (N66U big or mega.trx) then click Upload. Wait until the router reboots itself, which can take at least 10 minutes. If it doesn't reboot after 10 minutes, power off for 10 seconds, then reset via WPS

Gigabit FTTH mit Asus RT-AC66U? Hände weg … Auf dem Asus RT-AC66U lief bis letzte Woche DD-WRT mit dem Release r26332 vom 22. Februar 2015. Von Powerline zu Ethernet-Kabel. Da ich mich beim Besuch der Elektriker von BKW ISP AG dazu entschied, den OTO im Wohnzimmer installieren zu lassen (die Alternative wäre das Büro gewesen), stellte sich mir das Problem, dass ich bis vor kurzem die 802.11ac旗舰!华硕RT-AC66U无线路由器评测_天 … 随着802.11ac无线网络的普及,使得5GHz优质无线网络和千兆无线网络走近了我们的生活。在推出802.11n无线路由器旗舰产品华硕RT-N66U之后,华硕又推出了802.11ac无线路由器旗舰产品——RT-AC66U,拥有更加强悍的性能。不过旗舰这个词可不是用参数堆出来 hpr2332 :: Installing DD-WRT on ASUS RT-N66U : Ironic DD-WRT isn’t an official version, obviously, but not all is lost, uploading via recovery utility works; Upload via Recovery Utility. Download router firmware: dd-wrt.v24-26138_NEWD-2_K3.x-big-RT-N6UU.trx. big version includes more tools than mega version; Make the following network config information on the computer you’ll upload the Router Review: ASUS RT AC66U -

2016-3-8 · 这篇文章主要介绍了RT-AC66U刷DD-WRT的经验分享,需要的朋友可以参考下 先说下结果:dd-wrt是刷进去了,但路由器死活无法进行pppoe拨号,按照网上说的对vlan的设置进行了N次反复点选,里外折腾了两个多小时,问题依旧,没功夫再折腾了,又刷回了华硕的官方固件。

2015-3-21 DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - ASUS RT-AC66U on 30949 - …

Asus RT-AC66U - networked devices unusable over repeater / client bridge AC66U: Cc: Description I have three RT-AC66Us that I've tried linking together in both wireless repeater and client bridges. Everything works great, except for shared wireless devices on the network as well as any DLNA (PMS and Plex). I also followed instructions

DD-WRT isn’t an official version, obviously, but not all is lost, uploading via recovery utility works; Upload via Recovery Utility. Download router firmware: dd-wrt.v24-26138_NEWD-2_K3.x-big-RT-N6UU.trx. big version includes more tools than mega version; Make the following network config information on the computer you’ll upload the Router Review: ASUS RT AC66U - The DD WRT set up on this router supports both PPTP and open VPN but it is highly recommended to use an open VPN configuration rather than PPTP as it is highly insecure. Setup The first thing you should do once you have connected a computer, is head to the router configuration page (type into your internet browser) and change the